GenealogyJ (GenJ) v2.4 was released over the weekend – this is a major update (the previous version, 2.3.2, was released over a year ago). GenealogyJ is a viewer and editor for genealogic data, suitable for hobbyist, family historian and genealogy researcher. GenJ supports the Gedcom standard, is written in Java and offers many views like family tree, table, timeline, geography and more.
It can be downloaded here, and you can view screenshots here.
Highlights of Version 2.4
– New features and improved useability
– New Reports
– New Languages
– Map events geographically
+ data: new option to convert last names to uppercase
+ data: children/parents get appropriate surname automatically
+ data: OBJE entities are deprecated and hidden (option)
+ ui: double click is a recognized gesture
+ ui: *new* GeoView mapping events geographically
+ ui: TableView with multiple cell selections
+ ui: TableView with quick-access links on the side
+ ui: EditView/Basic Mode improved speed and usability
+ ui: Auto-complete refactored for usability
+ ui: Context-Menu usable throughout
+ ui: Various adjustments and ease-of-use improvements
+ ui: Standard Keyboard Shortcuts (ctrl+s, ctrl+w, …)
+ ui: Option to restore views on reload
+ gedcom: extended support for FAMC (multiple, adoption,…)
+ gedcom: support for PLACe format
+ gedcom: support for DATE phrases
+ gedcom: support for preserving unknown entities on read/write
+ report: new formatted output infrastructure (HTML,PS,PDF,CSV)
+ report: new reports
+ lang: czech, polish, russian languages added
Install Note: For everyone not using the windows installer: create a base-directory for GenJ – every downloaded archive has to be unzipped into that same directory while preserving directory structure. To start GenJ execute one of the ‘run’-scripts included in the distribution.