Family Tree Legends 5.0 has been released. This is a major upgrade with many new features, including creating a CD or DVD with your Family Tree data, that includes a copy of a free version of Family Tree Legends, multiple implementations of fan charts, and included versions of GedStar (PalmOS) and Pocket Genealogist (Pocket PC) for your handheld devices. These versions of GedStar and Pocket Genealogist are both free and fully-working. If you’d like to know more about GedStar or Pocket Genealogist, visit
Family Tree Legends’ Parent Company Up For Sale
Pearl Street Software, makers of Family Tree Legends among other things, is now up for sale, according to Eastman’s Online Genealogy Newsletter. Family Tree Legends is a Windows genealogy application, and fairly popular. The founders/developers still consider a viable genealogy application (and it’s not just family Tree Legends, if you read the article linked at Eastman’s above, there are several other areas involved in the sale), however they want to pursue a different opportunity.
If you have ever wanted to sell genealogy software and didn’t want to develop from the ground up, here is your chances.