The Next Generation of Genealogy Sitebuilding 5.0.6

The Next Generation of Genealogy Sitebuilding 5.0.6 was released today. The Next Generation of Genealogy Sitebuilding© (“TNG”) is a powerful way to manage and display your genealogy data on the Internet, all without generating a single page of HTML. Instead, your information is stored in MySQL database tables and dynamically displayed in attractive fashion with PHP (a scripting language). Version 5.0.6 is mostly bug fixes.

Note:The price for TNG is current $27 USD, and will be changing to $29 USD on September 7, 2005.


    * Reports now support the standard Divorce event.
    * The Image Mapp creation feature now adds a “title” tag for each link to enable tool tips in non-IE browsers.
    * Since encrypted passwords take up roughly twice the amount of space that plain text passwords need, the size of the passwords field in the tng_users table has been increased to 100 characters.


The Master Genealogist 6.0.3

The Master Genealogist 6.0.3 is available. This release is comprised of mainly fixes, along with a few changes and new items/updates, and is a free update for existing The Master Genealogist 6.x users.


    * Exhibit Log – Right-click menus were added to the Topic and Reference fields on the exhibit Properties General tab.
    * Exhibit Log – The exhibit Properties Description tab was updated to re-proportion the two fields and to add a label to the Description field.
    * The DNA Log Relative Genetics links were updated to reflect a change in the website.


    * As described in the last issue of this newsletter, the behavior of the [A] sentence variable has been changed to conform to that of TMG v6.01.
