Online PAF Tutorial –

Those of you using Personal Ancestral File (PAF) for your genealogy research, or even those just thinking about it, there is a new online tutorial for PAF, located at It’s incredibly comprehensive, has flash-based demonstrations/tutorials (with audio) as well as step-by-step tutorials, and it walks you through all of the views you would typically encounter while using PAF. Even if you use, and are familiar with PAF, you might still find some of the tutorials helpful. It was created for a family history/genealogy class at Brigham Young University, but they have generously made it available for anyone to use, at no charge.

Introducing webPAF

A new web-based genealogy application has popped up – it uses Mason, Perl, Apache, and Linux, however access is via a web browser, therefore any Operating System can be used to collaborate. We have very little other information at this time, other than it’s being actively developed.